Thursday, 6 November 2014

Narrative: Word and Image

For my map I have chosen A Game of Thrones as my title. In the first book, A Game of Thrones I have chosen to document my favourite character Daenerys Targaryen. In the map, I have marked down her journey in one of the chapters of the first book.  I personally have read the book, but I could not remember it by heart, so I have re-created her journey by memory about the death of her husband and the birth of her dragons. I remember the egg forms from my memory of the chapter. This represents control.

Figure 1: The Map.

As a textiles student, I thought it would be appropriate to use fabrics as the material to work with. I have used hand stich to represent the personal journey.  The personal journey is reflected in this work.

I have used different colours of ribbons to represent each event, but not in a particular order.  The reason being that some of her journey is stronger memories than her others. I have placed the sun with the darker blue ribbon with patterned like stars. Also, reason being the sun is going down is that Drogo’s life is fading away, as the sun going down

For the start, I have used a blue ribbon to show that she have travel across the Narrow Sea, therefore, all of her events happened in the free cites. Also I have used character icons to show the characters, for example, the moon represent Daenerys Targaryen and the sun represent Drogo, which is Daenerys’s husband. In the book, they address each other as ‘Moon of my life’ and ‘My sun and stars’. I have used blanket stich for the waves.

At this point, that was the life changing moment for Daenerys, not only because the loss of her husband, but also the exchange life from Drogo to the dragons. I have stitched the Dragon eggs in the center of the map, because they played an important role in Daenery’s journey.

The reason why the ‘Moon’ (Daenerys) is placed on white piece of fabrics is that I was trying to show light and dark as life and death. Another reason why I chose to use Sun and Moon to represent the characters is that the Sun and Moon never cross each other. The half-moon represents that Daenerys is not complete without Drogo.

To hint to the following chapters of the book, the couching stitch represents the bond of marriage between Daenerys and Drogo. When Drogo is fading away into the Night land, the bond was broken with Drogo’s death, but Daenerys is still holding on to it.

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