Monday, 11 May 2015

Whitworth Limited Editions: Reflection

Design: Intelligent; Winter

I have chosen heavyweight canvas is hardwearing and suitable for the chair. 
This is very different to my usual choice of fabric and has allowed me to use new techniques. The canvas reminds me of a painting canvas. I combined digital print with embroidery, this was a new experience for me. In the past I have been planning  to combine both areas together, but due to time management, I never did. 
I have improved my capacity to work alongside simultaneous projects and this has benefited this piece. I have stepped out of my comfort zone in terms of actualising my designs outside of the university setting. 
This is a step towards showing my work as a design to go onto furniture.

Design: Personal; Spring

Cherry blossom are a seasonal plant, what I tried to do was to make it unseasonal, also with my one off design, I thought it suits the design better to put it on to a stool instead of a chair.

I have chosen canvas fabric as my material chose. For the fabric, weight is heavier to suits the furniture and hard wearing need.

I have previously struggled with composition of the proportions within my stitch work. This has challenged my wider understanding of the types of stiches.  I am able to stitch on top of the digital print, which has helped me combine methods to fit the subject matter, but also to look professional quality.

Within this project I hoped that I could collaborate with designers, to enable me to pursue more furniture designs, however this is something that I have managed to successfully achieve within my placement.

My motivation was to make a piece that was suitable for a number of occasions.  I did not find any aspect of this project boring as at each stage there were new challenges to face which helped me keep motivated to finish the project to a professional standard.

Deign: Playful; Autumn

The oriental theme motivated the choices I made with this project, I found I am more detailed with my samples.

I learnt better time management, for I have fulfilled my development through practice and my idea of my design potential I used Photoshop to show.

I believe this project blends art with commercialism in a positive way. This project has informed my career ambition and direction.  I am hoping to develop networks within interior design.  This reflects my potential as a designer using embroidery.  This skill set will make me very capable within interior design spheres.  My project management skills will also be beneficial in this career as timeframes are tight.

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