X Level 5
College and Project Group
Whitworth limited edition
Feedback session date/time (if arranged)
ID Number
Link to Digital Submission
Contact number
The Best Bit
Which part of this unit have you engaged with the most and why?
Investigations: For
I can put my idea into test and make it a real product.
Things that worked
What are
the most successful aspects of your work for this unit and why?
Combining digital print and embroidery together, for I have been
planning to try out this experiment for a while.
Things to work on
aspects of your work will require more attention in the future and why?
The details of my work will require more attention
in the future, such as the quality of my digital print.
Self Evaluation – highlight the text that describes your assessment of your achievement
for each learning outcome.
outcomes (words in brackets explain
simply what will be looked for)
Demonstrate an understanding of the relevance of
interdisciplinary perspectives and the professional world.
(You have
understood how the professional model works and adjusted your practice and
approach to embrace this)
or no engagement with activities beyond own practice and little attempt to
engage with or research professional opportunities
an engagement with others beyond the confines of own practice but little
understanding or articulation of relevance or impact on own work or
professional context
Demonstrated awareness of
interdisciplinary practices in the professional world and the relationship of
this to their own approach
a clear understanding of the relevance of interdisciplinary practice and its
relationship to the development of their own work and professional ambition.
explored and clearly articulated an understanding of the relevance of
interdisciplinary perspectives in the professional world and embedded this
within their practice and outcomes.
Reflect on their practice within
a context of ambiguity, uncertainty and unfamiliarity (You have tried out ways of working that might not be your usual
model and explored and embraced new challenges and can discuss the impact of
this on your own approach)
or no engagement with academic challenge or creative risk taking
engaged with academic challenge to work beyond familiar norms of practice but
with little reflection on impact
engaged with creative challenge and engagement with unfamiliar territory and
demonstrated their response to uncertainty and ambiguity.
Demonstrates a willingness to explore
and reflect on the impact of the unfamiliar on their own practice
with clarity their responses to creative challenge and active engagement
within unfamiliar contexts. Is able to reflect on the impact of this on their
future practice.
Demonstrate creative responses
through a body of work related to project options and outcomes. (You have absorbed the things you have
learned and produced a body of work that shows this)
submission demonstrating a lack of creative responses to chosen programme
Developed a body of work which
addresses the project but lacks depth and breadth of investigation and
a body of work that demonstrates creative exploration and responses to the
identified brief
a coherent body of work, clearly responding to project options, that is well
executed and articulated.
substantial and highly developed body of work that clearly demonstrates
creative response to their chosen project option.
Demonstrate the ability to work
collaboratively and articulate the impact of collaboration on their own
methodology (You have collaborated
with others in the most effective way for the work you were dong and can
discuss how is has affected the way you will continue to think or work in the
or no engagement with collaborative opportunities
with collaborative opportunities but demonstrated little awareness of impact
on own practice
Collaborated effectively with others
to achieve collective goals. Has articulated what impact this has had o their
own practice.
a pro-active approach to engaging with collaboration and clearly articulated
the impact on their own practice.
the ability to evaluate and effectively reflect and apply learning from
collaboration. Clearly able to articulate effect on their own methodology and
future practice.
Confidently present outcomes to an informed audience
in an appropriate form.
(You have
identified the best way to present your work to the external professional
audience and pitched it at the right level, and can explain how and why you
chose the model you did and have evaluated if it was successful)
or no engagement with communicating work to others
Engaged with dissemination
opportunities but demonstrated little awareness of appropriate models or
outcomes of projects in a coherent manner within established norms
outcomes with clarity and in a considered manner in relation to the audience.
the ability to present articulately and with confidence to an informed
audience with authority and in an appropriate form.
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